EMDB > All Movies > B > Battle for Terra
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Battle for Terra (2007)  link to Battle for Terra on IMDb  link to trailer on IMDb

Number: 174

cover Battle for Terra

IMDb Rating:
star star star star star star star star star star
6.7/10 (9907 votes)

Country: USA, 85 minutes

Spoken Languages: English

Genre(s): Action, Thriller, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Animation

Director(s): Aristomenis Tsirbas

Cast: Chad Allen (voice of Terrian Scientist), Rosanna Arquette (voice of Professor Lina), Bill Birch (voice of Terrian 2), Brooke Bloom (voice of Technician Quinn), Tom Connolly (voice of Technician Williams)

Medium: Unknown,

Plot Outline: BATTLE for TERRA is a fantastic journey to worlds we have only dreamed of. It is a story of friendship, family, sacrifice and most importantly, the realization that all of our survival relies on our earth's precious natural resources.

Location: A18

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: 2.35:1